Tag Archives: classes

Lu Jong and the Holiday Season



The end of the calendar year is inevitably fraught with stress for all. Between social events, family gatherings, acts of compassion and sales bonanzas it’s a wonder we can even manage to crawl into the new year!

It would seem easiest to let our self-care routines fall by the wayside – anything to carve out a couple of extra minutes of sleep or even to jam in one more errand … but no!

How often do we forget to extend the support, patience and kindness to ourselves that we so readily give to others?

“If you feel “burnout” setting in, if you feel demoralized and exhausted, it is best, for the sake of everyone, to withdraw and restore yourself. The point is to have a long-term perspective.” ~ HH Dalai Lama

Here’s a pretty easy list of why I make time for Lu Jong:

  • Lu Jong is Strengthening – The more I practice the movements the stronger I get. With regular practice I find my body stretching and flowing with ease, in addition to boosting my immune system.
  • Lu Jong is Meditative – The benefit of focusing upon movements and the breath is the ability to slow down my thoughts. All that is left is presence, feeling, breath and motion. The deeper breathing also calms my nervous system.
  • Lu Jong is Balancing – With Lu Jong I bring balance to all of the systems and elements within my body and mind, all aspects work in harmony, and in this balance I find my true strength, power and vitality.

Armed with these super powers my Holiday outlook is much more relaxed and heartfelt.

Working smarter is always better than working harder!

For UPCOMING Lu Jong Workshops and classes CLICK HERE

Lu Jong Tibetan Yoga ~ August 2017 Classes (East Hampton area)


What is Lu Jong? Lu Jong is an ancient Tibetan practice that combines physical exercise with meditation for self-healing and overall wellness.
Simple yet powerful movements gently work the spine to promote flexibility and core strength.

Similar to Qigong, energetic blocks are released within the chakras which strengthen the immune system as vibrancy is restored to Body and Mind.

The moves are gentle yet powerful and accessible to students of all abilities.

Bring a yoga mat and wear comfortable clothing


When: Tuesdays, August 15th, 22nd & 29th

Where: Springs Community Presbyterian Church Hall

Time: 10:00 am to 11:00 am

Cost: 1 Class/$15  OR  3 Classes/$40


No credit cards. Please arrive 10 minutes ahead of your first class.

Questions?  Joelle@LuJongNewYork.com  OR Call  1-855-4LUJONG

Stay informed of upcoming classes:



Joelle Kelly Yoga Meetup


Lu Jong Tibetan Healing Yoga – FREE Introductory Class (Hamptons area)


What is Lu Jong? Lu Jong is an ancient Tibetan practice that combines physical exercise with meditation for self-healing and overall wellness.
Simple yet powerful movements gently work the spine to promote flexibility and core strength.

Similar to Qigong, energetic blocks are released within the chakras which strengthen the immune system as vibrancy is restored to Body and Mind.

The moves are gentle yet powerful and accessible to students of all abilities.

Bring a yoga mat and wear comfortable clothing

When: Tuesday, July 25th, 2017
Where: Springs Community Presbyterian Church Hall
Time: 10:00 am to 11:00 am
Cost: FEE WAIVED for this introductory Class

Classes scheduled to start in August

Questions? Joelle@LuJongNewYork.com

Stay informed of upcoming classes:


Joelle Kelly Yoga Meetup

What’s New For June?


First up, a jam-packed Tibetan Lu Jong Workshop in NYC.


WHEN: Saturday, June 24th

WHERE: Three Jewels NYC ~ 61 4TH AVE, 3rd FL

TIME: 1:00 to 3:30pm

FEE: $30 early bird ends June 21 | $35 after June 21


How do I register? CLICK HERE





  • The Five Elements movements (for opening the spine and general balancing)
  • The Five Body Parts movements (for the musculoskeletal system)
  • The Five Vital Organ movements (for improving function of the kidneys, heart, lungs, spleen, and liver)
  • How to work with the Breath and the Subtle Body
  • Principles of Tibetan Medicine and the Five Elements world view
  • Why it is important to nurture the subtle body and release blockages


How do I register? CLICK HERE

I look forward to seeing you there!


Yes, it’s been a while since my last post, but the absence has not been without purpose.

I deepened my Lu Jong studies with the exploration of more vigorous poses, adding an entirely NEW level of movements to the Lu Jong core practice. These movements are the next level of training for students comfortable with Lu Jong Level I.

I’ve been working on yoga workshops and retreats, in addition to Lu Jong Teacher trainings, drawing upon all my skills and knowledge to create purposeful and fun experiences in different locales. Oh my!

In addition, I’m preparing to launch an exciting and dynamic practice: Tog Chod – The Dance of the Wisdom Sword. I mean c’mon, who can resist learning how to work with a sword?

More information about this incredible Tibetan Martial Art and the chance to take exclusive classes will come very soon!

Lu Jong: Tibetan Tantric Yoga




Tibetan tantric yoga, laid down by the tantric tradition of master Pundit Naropa and Lama Marpa Lotsawa, is a practice that has been done by Indian and Tibetan yogis for centuries.
It is not like the normal yoga practiced in the West.

It is a practice of rLung (psychic wind), joined with mental exercise and visualization of the channels and chakras, and is based on spiritual and mental development.

This is what is known as the practice of Lu Jong.

Through physical positions and movements, the yoga exercises remove the negative energies from the channels and chakras, harmonize the subtle wind and release the inner stress and tension.

Lu Jong basically helps stimulate channels and chakras, tames the mind and gives spiritual experience.

Click  HERE  to explore and feel how Lu Jong can benefit YOUR body and mind with a special workshop at Tibet House US (NYC) on March 18th, 2017.


Pre-Register and use code  LJNYTHUS  for a 10% discount!


An Introduction to Tibetan Lu Jong: The Five Elements Movements at Joshua’s Place, Southampton NY


~  LU JONG ~





Lu Jong is an ancient Tibetan movement practice (yoga) developed for the purpose of self-healing.

Movements are combined with rhythmic breathing to bring balance to body and mind.

Physically it gently works the entire body with a primary focus on the flexibility of the spine.

Mentally it compels you to ‘feel’ inside and to be present much like meditation.

The moves are simple yet powerful with all people able to practice at their level of ability.

Wear comfortable clothing for the class  ~ Yoga mats available or bring your own


When:  Sunday March 19th

Where: Joshua’s Place, Southampton NY

Time:   11:00a.m. – 12:00 noon

Cost:    $15.00/ $20 Same Day


Instructor: Joelle Kelly

Certified Lu Jong Instructor & Educator

For many years a direct student of Tulku Lobsang Rinpoche, the lineage holder of this practice, Joelle Kelly was chosen as one of the first teachers certified to teach Lu Jong in North America.

She has since been selected by the Master as one of only two teachers in North America qualified to teach all levels of Lu Jong in addition to the training of future certified Lu Jong Teachers.

Charismatic, warm and joyfully grounded Joelle is committed to meeting each student at their level of comfort and ability.

Lu Jong is shared with great enthusiasm, honor and respect for the wisdom it contains.


For more information contact:

